lolz | Add Gang Notoriety (+1 star) |
pissoffpigs | Add Police Notoriety (+1 shield) |
notrated | Bloody Mess (everyone killed explodes into blood) |
clearskies | Clear Skies (change weather) |
dui | Drunk Pedestrians |
givesheperd | Give 45 Sheperd |
giveapoca | Give Apoca-Fists |
givear55 | Give AR 55 |
giveultimax | Give AS3 Ultimax |
givebaseball | Give Baseball Bat |
cheese | Give Cash ($100,000) |
givechainsaw | Give Chainsaw |
givecybersmg | Give Cyber Blaster |
givecyber | Give Cyber Buster |
giveblossom | Give D4TH Blossom |
giveelectric | Give Electric Grenade |
giveflamethrower | Give Flamethrower |
giveflashbang | Give Flashbang |
givelauncher | Give GL G20 |
givedigger | Give Grave Digger |
givegrenade | Give Grenade |
givekrukov | Give K-8 Krukov |
givekobra | Give KA-1 Kobra |
givesniper | Give McManus 2015 |
giveminigun | Give Mini-Gun |
givemolotov | Give Molotov |
givesword | Give Nocturne |
givercgun | Give RC Possesor |
givedrone | Give Reaper Drone |
whatitmeanstome | Give Respect |
giveshield | Give Riot Shield |
givehammer | Give S3X Hammer |
giveairstrike | Give SA-3 Airstrike |
givesatchel | Give Satchel Charges |
giverocket | Give Shock Hammer |
givesonic | Give Sonic Boom |
givestungun | Give Stun Gun |
givetek | Give TEK Z-10 |
givedildo | Give The Penetrator |
giveslm8 | Give Viper Laser Rifle |
giverpg | Gives RPG |
goldengun | Golden Gun (one-shot gun kills) |
fryhole | Heaven Bound (dead bodies float into the air) |
heavyrain | Heavy Rain (changes weather) |
runfast | Infinite Sprint |
lightrain | Light Rain (changes weather) |
mascot | Mascots (all pedestrians are mascots) |
goodygoody | No Cop Notoriety |
oops | No Gang Notoriety |
overcast | Overcast (changes weather) |
hohoho | Pimps and Hos (all pedestrians are pimps and hos) |
repaircar | Repair Car (fully repairs vehicle) |
giveambulance | Spawns Ambulance |
giveanchor | Spawns Anchor |
giveattrazione | Spawns Attrazione |
givebootlegger | Spawns Bootlegger |
givechallenger | Spawns Challenger |
givecommander | Spawns Commander |
givecondor | Spawns Condor |
giveeagle | Spawns Eagle |
giveestrada | Spawns Estrada |
givegatmobile | Spawns Gat Mobile |
givekaneda | Spawns Kaneda |
givekenshin | Spawns Kenshin |
giveknoxville | Spawns Knoxville |
givemiami | Spawns Miami |
givemunicipal | Spawns Municipal |
givenforcer | Spawns NForcer |
givepeacemaker | Spawns Peacemaker |
givephoenix | Spawns Phoenix |
givequasar | Spawns Quasar |
givereaper | Spawns Reaper |
givesandstorm | Spawns Sandstorm |
giveshark | Spawns Shark |
givespecter | Spawns Specter |
givestatusquo | Spawns Status Quo |
givetaxi | Spawns Taxi |
givetitan | Spawns Titan |
givetoad | Spawns Toad |
givetornado | Spawns Tornado |
givevortex | Spawns Vortex |
givevtol | Spawns VTOL |
givevulture | Spawns Vulture |
givewidowmaker | Spawns Widowmaker |
givewoodpecker | Spawns Woodpecker |
vroom | Vehicles No Damage (your vehicle is immune to damage) |
isquishyou | Vehicles Smash (your vehicle crushes other vehicles) |
letsrock | Weapons (gives a full compliment of weapons) |
brains | Zombies (all pedestrians become zombies) |